Rider: |
Event: |
Rules for the FEI World Cup™ Jumping
12th edition
This booklet sets forth the detailed Rules of the FEI World Cup™ Jumping, which is to be read in conjunction with the pertinent Statutes, General Regulations, Jumping Rules and Veterinary Regulations. It is acknowledged that every Eventuality cannot be provided for in these Rules. In cases where there is not a rule to deal specifically with a particular situation, or if the narrowest interpretation of a relevant rule would result in a clear injustice, it is the duty of those responsible to make a decision based on common sense, fair play and in the overall best interest of the sport, thus reflecting as nearly as possible the intention of these Rules and of the General Regulations.
1. FEI World Cup™ Calendar
1.1. Establishing of FEI World Cup™ Calendar
The FEI World Cup™ Calendar is presented to the FEI Jumping Committee for acceptance upon recommendations from the established Sub-Committees in the respective regions in agreement with the NFs.
The dates of all FEI World Cup™ Western European League Events must be entered in the FEI calendar by 1 October three years prior to the year in which the event is to take place and shall be approved by the FEI Secretary General two years prior to the year in which the Event is to take place.
The dates of CSI5*-W Events in all other Leagues must be entered in the FEI calendar and shall be approved by the FEI Secretary General two years prior to the year in which the event is to take place.
The FEI World Cup™ North American calendar (except CSI5*-W Events) must be submitted to the FEI by 1 July the year prior to the next FEI World Cup™ season. For all other Leagues, CSI-W Events of 1* to 4* level to be considered for inclusion in the FEI World Cup™ calendar for the coming FEI World Cup™ season must have submitted their dates to FEI HQ prior to 1 October the year before the season begins.
There shall be no FEI World Cup™ Competition (worldwide) 10 days prior to, all days during and one-week after the Jumping Events at the Olympic Games and 10 days prior to and one week after the Jumping Events at the Pan American Games on the same continent .
In the week preceding and all days during the World and Continental Jumping Championships it is forbidden to host a CSI4* or CSI5* in the same Continent as the Championship.
The FEI World Cup™ Final is to be held no earlier than the last week in March and no later than the first week of April, unless an exception is .granted by the FEI Jumping Committee In principle, there may be no FEI World Cup™ Competition 14 days prior to the FEI World Cup™ Final.
CSI5* Events may not clash with the FEI World Cup™ Final; CSI5* Events may not clash with FEI World Cup™ Western European League Events unless the Organisers involved are in agreement. CSI5* Events are not permitted to clash with the FEI Nations Cup™ Jumping Final.
A series of indoor Competitions is held between October and March in Western Europe, open to all Athletes qualified according to a formula based on the Longines Rankings.
For the avoidance of doubt, the following countries are considered to be part of Western Europe: Andorra, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, San Marino, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom.
The FEI Jumping Committee may authorise Competitions outside Western Europe to be held earlier than June, providing that there is a break of at least one week after the FEI World Cup™ Final.
If, in Western Europe, a country is holding two FEI World Cup™ Competitions, one must be held in the fall, the other in the spring.
In Western Europe, only Events that are held annually may organise an FEI World Cup™ Competition.
Although FEI World Cup™ Competitions may be held outdoors when appropriate to suit local climatic conditions, the FEI World Cup™ is in principle an indoor Competition and the FEI World Cup™ Final must be held indoors in a permanently covered arena.
FEI World Cup™ Competitions take place at selected International Events. In Western Europe a CSI-W must have the status of a CSI-5* Event and must be run over at least three days and offer at least two Competitions per day. In Western Europe FEI World Cup™ Competitions must be held either in a sports arena or in a covered exhibition hall.
3.1. Western and Central Europe – maximum number of Competitions per country
In Western and Central Europe no country may hold more than two FEI World Cup™ Competitions.
The FEI World Cup™ Competition may be organised in each of the fifteen countries in Western Europe with more than 3.5 million inhabitants. If one or more of these fifteen countries cannot host an FEI World Cup™ Competition, a second FEI World Cup™ Competition may be hosted by the major countries. Preference is given to traditional FEI World Cup™ Events.
In South America the maximum number of FEI World Cup™ Competitions per country is limited to four.
4.1 An FEI World Cup™ Competition is considered a Grand Prix. Of the three Competitions at the FEI World Cup™ Final, the second final Competition is considered a Grand Prix.
4.2 The star level of Events holding FEI World Cup™ Competitions is to indicate the amount of overall prize money only. All CSI-W Events are considered higher level Events with regard to requirements for Horse passports and date clashes.
In Western Europe, the FEI World Cup™ Competition must be organised according to Art.238.2.
6.1. Allocating Authority
The FEI World Cup™ Final is allocated by the Bureau upon recommendation of the FEI Jumping Committee. The FEI World Cup™ Jumping Final is allocated three full years in advance. The FEI will call for bids during the fourth calendar year prior to the Final. The FEI Jumping Committee will consider bids at the spring meeting three years prior to the Final and the FEI Bureau will allocate the Final in the spring of the third year prior to the occurrence of the Final.
If, for any reason, the chosen organiser of the FEI World Cup™ Final withdraws, the Bureau upon the recommendation of the FEI Jumping Committee will re-allocate the Final under the same conditions that prevailed for the original allocation, preference being given to the organiser next in line in accordance with the original vote of the FEI Jumping Committee.
The agreement for the organisation of an FEI World Cup™ Final, established by the FEI, is binding.
The organisers of the FEI World Cup™ Final and of all FEI World Cup™ Western European Events must use the services of an experienced footing specialist and an FEI approved computer data Service Company. These appointments must be presented to the FEI Jumping Committee for approval.
The FEI World Cup™ is a series and is as such a unity with respect to the nationality of Athlete. In principle, an Athlete should end his League with the same nationality with which he started. No exception can be granted unless the proposed change of nationality neither affords an advantage to the Athlete in question, nor places another Athlete at a disadvantage.
1. Overall Authority for the FEI World Cup™
The FEI has the overall authority for the FEI World Cup™.
The FEI designates an FEI World Cup™ Jumping Director with responsibilities subject to agreement with the FEI Secretary General.
The Organising Committee of the Event staging an FEI World Cup™ Competition is responsible for the entire organisation of the Event.
The Foreign Judge is appointed by the FEI in agreement with the Organising Committee. It is recommended that the Foreign Judge acts as President of the Jury during the FEI World Cup™ Competition.
The President of the Ground Jury, who must be foreign, the FEI Foreign Veterinary Delegate, the Course Designer, the FEI Foreign Technical Delegate and the President
of the Appeal Committee are appointed by the FEI.
Travel and accommodation expenses of these officials, as well as for the Chairman of the FEI Jumping Committee and the FEI World Cup™ Jumping Director are for the account of the Organiser of the Final. The FEI covers the travel and accommodation expenses at the Final for the FEI Foreign Technical Delegate.
1. Sub-League Committees
1.1. Composition
NFs involved may appoint World Cup™ Sub-Committees dealing with matters in Leagues outside of Western Europe. These Sub-Committees normally consist of:
· Representatives of the NFs involved;
· Representatives of the Organising Committees within the League;
· Representatives of the Athletes in the League.
The NFs concerned will appoint the Chairman. In the Event of disagreement among the NFs, the FEI shall appoint the Chairman.
Where there exists within a League a body representative of all Athletes within the League, that body may appoint the representatives of the Athletes. In all other cases the Chairman will, from time to time, appoint the representatives of the Athletes.
1. Events per League
1.1. umber of FEI World Cup™ Competitions per League
Maximum number of Events in each League:
· 15 international Events (CSI) are selected in Western Europe;
· North American League (USA, Canada and Mexico): Ideally, the maximum number of Events in each League is 12; however, this number may be increased at the discretion of the FEI Jumping Committee.
East League, minimum three West League, minimum three
· 12 in South America;
· 18 Events in Australia;
· Central European League:
12 North; maximum two per country 12 South; maximum two per country
Last Competition (League Final) is considered an extra Competition;
· 12 in any other League.
2.1. Application for FEI World Cup™ status
Events in Western Europe applying to obtain FEI World Cup™ status must have been held successfully the previous year as a CSI-5* Event.
Outside Western Europe an Event applying to obtain FEI World Cup™ status must have been held previously as a major national Event or as a CSI.
Events that are not held for one year or more, or Events, which change their venue or management, may, in principle, not receive FEI World Cup™ status in the first year following the change.
FEI World Cup™ status is granted following one successful year as a CSI-5* Event in Western Europe and outside Western Europe as a major national Event or as a CSI. The FEI Jumping Committee may grant, under exceptional circumstances, an exception to the above rule.
FEI World Cup™ Events in Western Europe that have been cancelled two successive years cannot be granted World Cup status again before having been held successfully as a CSI-5* Event. Outside Western Europe it has to be a major national Event or a CSI Event.
In Leagues with FEI sponsorship for FEI World Cup™ Competitions, only Events that have signed the sponsorship agreement with the FEI are included in the calendar. This also applies to Leagues without FEI sponsorship where agreements between the Organiser and the FEI are required.
North America is divided into two Leagues as follows:
East Coast League [USA AHSA Zones 1-7 and eastern Canada (Ontario and east of Ontario)];
West Coast League [USA AHSA Zones 8-12, western Canada (Manitoba and west of Manitoba) and Mexico];
The starting and finishing dates in both North American Leagues are as follows:
Starting date: No earlier than 1st June.
The finishing date is the date of the last Event of the East or West Coast League. No World Cup Qualifiers may be held in North America during December and January.
A Horse may not compete in more than three consecutive week-end FEI World Cup™ Competitions without a break of a full week from FEI World Cup™ Competition.
Western European Athletes competing in North America have the choice of having FEI World Cup™ points count. Should the Western European Athlete decide against having the points count, the Event in question does not count as one of the total number of Events at which the Athlete can obtain points.
8.1. Maximum number of Athletes
The number of Athletes in a Western European FEI World Cup™ Competition is limited to 40.
If, in Western Europe, the Event lasts for four or more days and if there are more than two Competitions each day, three Horses per FEI World Cup™ Athlete may take part in the Event.
No entry fee may be charged at the Western European League FEI World Cup™ Events unless an exception is granted by the FEI Jumping Committee. For the 2013/2014 season, Western European League Events may charge an entry fee of maximum €410.- per Horse.
Western European organisers must provide all Athletes taking part in the FEI World Cup™ Competition with free accommodation and free meals. If requested with the nominated entries accommodation for said Athletes will be extended at the organiser’s expense until the morning following the Event.
The Horse nominated for the FEI World Cup™ Competition or having been ridden in the FEI World Cup™ Competition at an Event may not compete in another Competition on that day, neither before nor after the FEI World Cup™ Competition.
There should be sufficient Competitions to allow each Horse to compete once each day.
Outside Western Europe an Athlete may ride more than one Horse in the FEI World Cup™ Competitions. In such case, the Horse going for FEI World Cup™ points has to be declared before the start of the Competition, and the Athlete must ride this Horse first. Once the Competition has begun, an Athlete may not change his World Cup Horse. However, prior to the beginning of the Competition an Athlete may change his FEI World Cup™ Horse only if his originally declared FEI World Cup™ Horse is scratched from the Competition and the newly declared FEI World Cup™ Horse competes in the same position in the starting order as his originally declared FEI World Cup™ Horse.
Athletes may ride maximum two Horses in FEI World Cup™ Competitions in the following Leagues: Australia, Caucasus, Central America and Caribbean Islands, Central Asia, Central Europe, Chinese League, Japan, New Zealand, North America (East and West Coast), South America (North and South), South Africa and South East Asia.
1. Automatically Qualified – Western Europe
1.1. Invitation System – Western Europe
In Western Europe, the following are invited to each Western European FEI World Cup™ Event and where indicated have the automatic right to compete in the FEI World Cup™ Competition:
If an Athlete from the top ten of the Longines Rankings (August and December lists used for invitations as described in Art. 654.5.2) decides not to compete at an Event, he may be replaced by an Athlete nominated by his NF. Such replacement must be from the top 100 of the Longines Rankings or from the top 18 on the FEI World Cup™ WEL standings in the first half of the season. If the NF cannot replace the Athlete in question, he may be replaced by the organiser from the top 45 on the Longines Rankings from a foreign country or from the home country from the top 100 on the Longines Rankings. These Athletes are pre-qualified for the FEI World Cup™ Competition. = max 10
Unused starting places in paragraph 1.1.1 go to paragraph 1.1.5 if the total number is 40 or less and to paragraph 2 if there are more than 40.
Each NF of a country organising an FEI World Cup™ Competition in Western Europe may send one Athlete to each FEI World Cup™ Event in Western Europe. These Athletes are pre-qualified for the FEI World Cup™ Competition. Selection of Athletes must first be made from the Longines Rankings position 11 to 100 if the NF has an Athlete in this group wishing to take part at the Event. Otherwise, Athletes may be selected from any position on the Longines Rankings. = max 10
Unused starting places in paragraph 1.1.2 go to paragraph 1.1.5 if the total number is 40 or less and to paragraph 2 if there are more than 40.
Western European countries with at least 3.5 Million inhabitants, but not organising an FEI World Cup™ Competition in Western Europe, may send one Athlete to each FEI World Cup™ Event, provided that at least one Athlete from the country is in the Top 60 of the Longines Rankings, or 2 in the Top 200. These Athletes are pre-qualified for the FEI World Cup™ Competition.
Unused starting places from category 1.1.3 go to category 1.1.5. = 04
The three NFs with the most points obtained by having Athletes placed 11 to 60 in the Longines Rankings may send a second Athlete to each Event in Western Europe. The following scale of points applies:
· an Athlete placed 11 to 25 = 2 points
· an Athlete placed 26 to 60 = 1 point
In case of a tie the higher individual placing of the country’s Athletes in the Longines Rankings divides. Point 1.1.4 only applies to the NFs with six or less Athletes eligible to participate in accordance with paragraphs 1.1.1 and 1.1.2. This restriction does not apply to the home country.
These Athletes only have the automatic right to compete in the FEI World Cup™ Competitions in the first half of the season if there are 40 or less Athletes invited to
the Event. From the beginning of the second half of the season, Athletes placed within the top 30 on the FEI World Cup™ standings at the time of the Event are pre- qualified.
Unused starting places in paragraph 1.1.4 go to paragraph 1.1.5 if the total number is 40 or less and to paragraph 2 if there are more than 40. = 03
Five additional Athletes from the home NF are invited to the home Event, nominated by the NF. All of these Athletes are pre-qualified for the FEI World Cup™ Competition.
Sub-total = 32
1.1.6. Eight Wild Cards
The Organising Committee has 8 Wild Cards to invite additional Athletes. They only have the automatic right to compete in the FEI World Cup™ Competition if there are 40 or less Athletes at the Event. = 08
(NB: The FEI Wild Card Athlete is included within the eight Organising Committee’s Wild Cards if there is no qualifying Competition for the FEI World Cup™ Competition)
2.1. More than forty Athletes invited
If an Organiser wishes to invite more than the above 40 Athletes to his Event he has two options:
· Host a qualifying Competition for the eight to eleven remaining places among the 8 Wild Cards (Art. 654.1.1.6) and the Athletes not automatically pre- qualified for the FEI World Cup™ Competition (Art. 654.1.1.4);
· Exclude the FEI World Cup™ Competition to the Athletes invited above the number 40. Consequently, the 8 Wild Cards (Art. 654.1.1.6) are automatically pre-qualified for the FEI World Cup™ Competition.
In both of the above cases the maximum number of Athletes permitted to be invited is 50.
3.1. Allocation of non-Western European FEI Wild Card
One FEI Wild Card is at the disposal of the FEI for all Western European Events. It may only be used for a non-Western European Athlete. This Athlete is not automatically pre-qualified for the World Cup™ Competition.
One further FEI Wild Card is at the disposal of the FEI for the spring Events. This Wild Card may only be used for non Western European Athletes. This Athlete is not automatically pre-qualified for the World Cup™ Competition.
In North America the top ten North American Athletes on the Longines Rankings, if in good standing with their NF, are automatically qualified to enter all FEI World Cup™ Events in their League. It is at the discretion of the Organising Committee to decide whether Athletes must take part in Competitions other than the FEI World Cup™ Competition at the Event.
5.1. Publication Longines Rankings
The FEI publishes the Longines Rankings, with all Athletes placed in CSI, CSIO, Championships and Games according to the Rules for the Calculation of points for the Longines Rankings as published on the FEI website.
The August and the December publications of the Longines Rankings will be used for invitational purposes for the fall, respectively spring Events in Western Europe. In any case, the list used for the fall Events will not be established prior to approximately 2 August and not later than the first week in September.
The Longines Rankings of approximately 3 December is valid for the spring Events. Only Western European Athletes or non-Western European Athletes with residence in Western Europe are considered.
The FEI World Cup™ Competition must have the highest prize money at each Event. In Western Europe the minimum prize money has been established as follows:
Season |
Prize Money whole Event |
Prize Money |
2014/2015 |
Minimum CHF 500’000.- |
- FEI World Cup™ Competition : |
EUR 100’000.- minimum. - The qualifier for the FEI World Cup™ Competition or the Competition held two days prior to the FEI World Cup™ Competition as a replacement for the qualifier for the FEI World Cup™ Competition: EUR 25’000.- minimum. |
The IJRC will make a determined effort to have five Athletes from the top ten on the Longines Rankings participate at each of the Western European FEI World Cup™ Events. However this is a verbal agreement only and the IJRC is not bound by contract.
1. Formula for FEI World Cup™ Competitions
All FEI World Cup™ Competitions must be run according to Art. 238.2.2 or according to Art.,, 273.4.3, 273.2.2.
FEI World Cup™ Competitions in the Western and Central European Leagues must be run according to Art. 238.2.2.
The formula of Art.238.2.2 is to read as follows: Table A Competition against the clock with one initial round and one jump-off against the clock. Athletes with equality of penalties for first place in the initial round take part in a jump-off against the clock.
The remaining Athletes are classified according to their penalties and time in the initial round.
The formula of Art.,, 273.4.3, 273.2.2 is to read as follows: Table A two round Competition against the clock ( or not against the clock ( in the first round and against the clock in the second round. Athletes return for the second round in accordance with Art. 273.2.2. Athletes are classified according to their aggregate penalties over both rounds and the time incurred in the second round.
At Western European League Events if the number of Athletes invited exceeds forty a qualifying Competition must be held to qualify Athletes for the eight or eleven open places created in accordance with Art. 654.2.
This Competition must be run according to Art. 238.2.2 or according to Art. 238.2.1. If the qualifying Competition is held the day prior to the FEI World Cup™ Competition this Competition must be run according to Art. 238.2.1. The maximum number of Athletes allowed to take part in this Competition is 50.
3.1. Western Europe
In Western Europe the FEI World Cup™ Competition must be held during the most beneficial and prominent period of the Event, preferably Sunday afternoon, ending not later than 16:30 hours (4:30 pm) CET. If Saturday is desired, a formal application giving a valid reason must be presented to the FEI.
4.1. Draw
The starting order for all FEI World Cup™ Competitions must be established by a draw.
Athletes in FEI World Cup™ Western European Competitions are divided into two groups according to their standing on the Longines Rankings at the time of the Event. There is a draw for the starting position in each group. The last group to start is the group with Athletes highest placed on the Longines Rankings.
Athletes taking part in the FEI World Cup™ Competition in the Western European League will be required to have completed at least one table A Competition with a Horse of their choice prior to the day of the FEI World Cup™ Competition.
For the AUS and NZL Leagues Athletes are divided into two groups according to their FEI World Cup™ standing. There must be a draw for the starting order in each group. The Athletes with the highest number of points start in the last group.
Athletes with two Horses must ride the FEI World Cup™ Horse in the first group.
Each FEI World Cup™ Competition is run at a minimum speed of 350m/min. The height of the obstacles can be anything between 1.40 m and 1.60 m. The spread should be proportionate to the height and not more than 2 m. If there is a water jump it cannot be wider than 4 m indoors and 4.50 m outdoors, including guard rail or hedge.
The time has to be recorded in 1/100 of a second.
The courses for the FEI World Cup™ Competitions must be designed by Course Designers chosen from the FEI list of at least Level 3 Course Designers.
In Western Europe, any change of a resident Course Designer must be presented to the FEI Jumping Director for approval.
1. FEI World Cup™ Point System
1.1. Number of Athletes attributed points
FEI World Cup™ points are awarded to Athletes only (not Athlete/Horse combination)
for each FEI World Cup™ Competition. Points are awarded to the 16 best placed Athletes.
Points won by Athletes who are tied are added and divided equally. Fractions of 0.5 or more are rounded up; fractions of less than 0.5 are rounded down.
If there are less than 16 Athletes starting the initial course of an FEI World Cup™ Competition, the scale of points will be reduced accordingly. Only Athletes who have completed the initial round will get points. This does not apply for the New Zealand League, for which the number of points available will be the same for all FEI World Cup™ Competitions (e.g. the column used for 16 starters), irrespective of the number of Athletes starting in the Competition.
1.4. Qualifying Competitions with less than 16 Athletes – Outside Europe
If, outside Western Europe, an Event uses a separate Competition to qualify Athletes for the FEI World Cup™ Competition on the same day and if the number of Athletes finishing the initial round in the FEI World Cup™ Competition is less than 16, the results of the previous qualifying Competition are taken into account for the allocation of the remaining FEI World Cup™ points.
If 16 or more Athletes have started the initial |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
Number of Athletes in the initial course 11 10 9 8 7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
course |
1st |
20 points |
19 |
18 |
17 |
16 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
6 |
2nd |
17 |
16 |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
3 |
3rd |
15 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
2 |
1 |
4th |
13 |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
5th |
12 |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
6th |
11 |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
7th |
10 |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
8th |
9 |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
9th |
8 |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
10th |
7 |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
11th |
6 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
12th |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
13th |
4 |
3 |
2 |
1 |
14th |
3 |
2 |
1 |
15th |
2 |
1 |
16th |
1 |
Athletes participating in a Competition for FEI World Cup™ points who are placed lower than Athletes who are not participating for points will move up in the classification of the Competition for the purpose of point distribution.
In principle, an Athlete competes in the League in which he is domiciled and may earn points in another League once his own League has started.
An Athlete may earn points in as many Competitions as there are FEI World Cup™ Events in his League. But he may not earn points in another League once the last Competition of his own League has been held. If he wishes to compete in more Competitions he has to declare to the show office prior to each Event if this Competition is to count or not. Failing to do so, the Competition will count, and once the number of permitted Events has been reached, the remaining Events no longer count.
An Athlete may, however, also compete in other Leagues but may only earn points in other Leagues according to Annex A (Cross-Over Points). To be eligible to qualify for the FEI World Cup™ Final, an Athlete must have competed in and earned one point or
more at an Event in his own League or in the League in which he is domiciled; Armenian Athletes are exempted from this requirement for the 2013/2014 season.
No points may be transferred from other Leagues before the North American League has started.
North American Athletes will earn points in the League in which they are domiciled. However, Canadian, Mexican and USA Athletes obtain World Cup points for their country of citizenship, regardless of where they are domiciled in North America (e.g. Mexican citizens residing in East League; Canadian citizens from East League residing in West League USA or Mexico etc). Athletes may earn full points in either North American League. Should an Athlete wish to obtain points in the North American League where he is not a resident, he must notify the FEI Headquarters and Sally Ike (sally.ike@usef.org, fax (908)234-9417 in writing prior to the first Competition in which he participates).
Although full points may be earned in both North American Leagues, Athletes may not earn points in more Competitions than the number of FEI World Cup™ Events in their own League. An Athlete from one League may participate in events in the other League after the last Competition of his own League but may not earn further points if he has already participated for points in as many Competitions as there are Events in his own League. In each League, the best 50% of possible results count for qualification for the Final; however, if one League comprises more qualifiers than the other, the number of results to count for qualification in each League will be the same as that established for the League with the lowest number of qualifiers).
4.1. Number of Competitions counting for points
In all the Leagues, only the best 50% of the possible results count towards the qualification for the Final, on the following scale:
Number of Competitions in the League (possible results) |
Number of Results to count |
20 Competitions |
10 to count |
19 |
10 |
18 |
9 |
17 |
9 |
16 |
8 |
15 |
8 |
14 |
7 |
13 |
7 |
12 |
6 |
11 |
6 |
10 |
5 |
9 |
5 |
8 |
4 |
7 |
4 |
6 |
3 |
5 |
3 |
4 |
2 |
3 |
2 |
If in any League the number of FEI World Cup™ Competitions is six or less, the following exceptions to the scale of points to count may be authorised:
6 Competitions 3 or 4 to count
5 Competitions 3 or 4 to count
4 Competitions 2 or 3 to count
3 Competitions 2 to count
If, after the adoption of the calendar at the spring meeting of the FEI Jumping Committee, an Event is cancelled, the following applies:
4.3.1. If the cancellation is known before the start of the League: the number of results to count will be adjusted if necessary;
4.3.2. If the cancellation takes place after the start of the League, the original number of results will count.
In the FEI World Cup™ Central European League, points can only be given if Athletes from at least three countries participate. In exceptional cases the FEI Jumping Committee may allow an exception.
In Leagues outside Western Europe and North America (USA, Canada and Mexico), the League may conclude with a League Final to which the top Athletes in the point standings are invited to participate; in such cases the Event must be entered in the FEI calendar as a League Final. All Athletes competing in the Final will carry over their points (exception for the Central European League Final; see Annex E).
The League Final may consist of one or two Competitions as follows (exception for the Central European League Final; refer to Annex E):
4.6.1. League Final as one Competition: Table A jump-off (Art. 238.2.2). Starting order in reverse order of League standings or according to Art. 655.4.
· Table C over Table A course (Art. 239);
· Table A jump-off (Art. 238.2.2); Starting order in the Table C Competition is according ding to the reverse order of League standings. Starting order in the Table A Competition is according to the reverse order of results in the first League Final Competition.
4.7.1. The League Final Competition(s) to count 100 % or 150 % or double points; this information must be included in the Draft Schedule.
4.7.2. The points of the League Final Competition(s) are counted as normal FEI World Cup™ Competitions, i.e. if the number of Competitions to count has been reached prior to the League Final, there will be a drop score for the Athlete in question.
1. Qualification per League
Qualified for the Final are:
Eighteen Western European Athletes with the highest total points in the Western European League.
Athletes obtain FEI World Cup™ points for their country of citizenship, i.e. USA, Canada or Mexico, regardless of where they are domiciled in North America.
1.2.1. Seven USA Athletes from the East Coast League.
1.2.2. Three USA Athletes from the West Coast League.
1.2.3. Two Canadian Athletes from the East or West Coast League (the two Athletes with the most points).
1.2.4. Two Mexican Athletes from the East or West Coast League (the two Athletes with the most points).
Any Athlete (extra Athlete) from another League, or who is a citizen of a nation not part of a League, domiciled in a country of the League in which he is participating, having gained at least as many points as the last qualified Athlete in that League (prior to substitution) is qualified for the Final in the League in which he has competed. For the North American Leagues, an Athlete who is a citizen of a nation not part of a League or from another League must obtain at least as many points as the last qualified USA Athlete (prior to substitution) in the League in which he is participating (East or West Coast) to qualify for the Final as an extra Athlete, regardless of whether he is domiciled in Canada, Mexico or the USA.
The number of finalists from other Leagues will be determined by the FEI Jumping Committee according to the overall standard of their own League.
In case not all qualified Athletes in the final standings of a League or Sub-League can go to the Final, the following applies:
1.5.1 Western European
18 places, extra Athletes excluded, substitution up to 27th place in the final standings, extra Athletes included
1.5.2 North America - East Coast
7 USA places, extra Athletes excluded; substitution up to 12th placed USA Athlete from the East Coast League in the final standings, extra Athletes included
1.5.3 North America - West Coast
3 USA places, extra Athletes excluded; substitution up to 5th placed USA Athlete from the West Coast League in the final standings, extra Athletes included
1.5.4 North America - Canada and Mexico (East and West Coast)
2 places each, extra Athlete excluded, substitution up to 5th placed Athlete from Canada, respectively Mexico, in the final standings
1.5.5 Central Europe
3 places, extra Athletes excluded; substitution up to 4th place in the final standings, extra Athletes included
1.5.6 South America South
2 places, extra Athletes excluded; substitution up to 4th place in the final standings, extra Athletes included.
1.5.7 Australia
2 places, extra Athletes excluded, substitution up to 3rd place in the final standings, extra Athletes included
1.5.8 Central America and Caribbean Islands, Japan, South America North*, New Zealand, China, South East Asia, Central Asia and South Africa
1 place, extra Athletes excluded, substitution up to 2nd place in the final standings, extra Athletes included
1.5.9 Arab
3 places, extra Athletes excluded, substitution up to 5th place in the final standings, extra Athletes included
1.5.10 Caucasus
1 place, extra Athletes excluded, no substitution.
*(South America North consists of BOL, COL, ECU, PER + VEN; South America South consists of ARG, BRA, CHI and URU; PAR may be added to the South America North or South list).
In case of a tie for the winner of a League or the last qualified Athlete, Athletes will be separated by the number of wins, second places etc…
The country holding the Final may nominate in consultation with the FEI Jumping Committee one home Athlete otherwise not qualified for the Final if the host country does not have a qualified Athlete.
In principle, each Athlete qualified for the FEI World Cup™ Final may enter three Horses.
The holder of the FEI World Cup™ (Defending Champion) is allowed to enter the next Final as an extra Athlete, entering two Horses of his choice.
Athletes starting in the FEI World Cup™ Final must participate with Horses on which they, during the season, have completed at least one FEI World Cup™ Competition in which they are eligible to gain points, as a nominated FEI World Cup™ Horse.
Should an Athlete who has qualified for the FEI World Cup™ Final find it impossible to transport his qualified Horse to the Final due to quarantine restrictions, the FEI Jumping Committee may authorise a special qualifying Competition to be held with a view to qualifying another Horse for this Athlete or may authorise this new pair to participate in an FEI World Cup™ Competition outside the Athlete’s League and after his own League has finished. The Athlete/Horse combination must obtain a score of not more than eight penalties in the initial round of the FEI World Cup™ Competition or in the special qualifying Competition.
The 1st reserve Athlete on the Final Standings List of the League where the Final is held is invited to travel to the site of the Final with two Horses. Should none of the qualified participants of his League drop out, he can compete in the non-FEI World Cup™ CSI Competitions of the Final.
All Athletes having qualified at outdoor lower level Leagues must complete the first round of at least one indoor CSI-3* Grand Prix Competition with the FEI World Cup™ qualified Horse. His score in the first round must not exceed eight penalties. This involves the following outdoor Leagues:
· Caucasian League
· Central Asian League
· South America North League
· Central American and Caribbean Islands League
· Chinese League
· South East Asian League
1. Eligible for FEI World Cup™ Pre-Final Participation
The Pre-Final, if held, is open to all Athletes outside of Western Europe and North America (USA, Canada and Mexico), qualified for the FEI World Cup™ Final. For the other Competitions at the Event, other Athletes may be invited.
1.1. Type of Competition
At the Pre-Final there are two Competitions on two consecutive da